Saturday, 19 September 2015


"You can't rush something you don't want to last forever"

After starting back at school, I have found myself drifting further and further from my once regular yoga routine. It's really frustrating, because I thoroughly enjoying doing it everyday. One major reason why I have fallen so out of it is school. I would previously practice yoga every morning after waking up, however as that time has gone back to being extremely early I can't motivate myself to do it. I have also discovered that once you stop practicing yoga regularly, it gets harder and harder to get back into it, I don't know why that is, but I don't like it!

Anyway, I'm going to try and set a time after school in-between school work to do it, and I really hope it works. Especially as I find it much harder to get into downward dog and all the other difficult stretches after taking a break ahhh.... wish me luck!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

School doesn't mean you have to stop

"Prove them wrong"

I remember hearing or reading something from somewhere that said: If you don't have enough time for yoga, there is all the more need for you to actually do it. For some reason I always come back to this when I procrastinate about doing yoga. 

After starting back in my final year of school, I am realising that there is a huge benefit to doing yoga during the stressful time. It actually proves to make me more efficient and help me seize the day, as it helps to relax me and therefore take off some of the stress. 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Some cute yoga things

"Sometimes we just have to let things go"

Here are a few pictures I've found from around the web. They are extremely cute, but they also offer some inspirational yoga poses or are just plain adorable. 

And lastly a nighttime routine: 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Quick health fixes

"Love isn't an act, it's a whole life"
-Brian Moore

Recently I have been extremely busy doing things that are not blog or yoga related, which is really unfortunate considering that I was getting into such an amazing routine which I have previously documented. Sometimes other things are more important, however I am still trying to maintain aspects of a healthy lifestyle. 

Here are a few things that you can do to still stay healthy even when travelling or finding yourself too busy! Some of these things may be inspired by previous posts, but these things are so important enough cannot be said about them....

Drinking lots of water

I'm trying to drink at least 2 litres a day, which is the recommended amount of water. I also find that there is actually a noticeable difference in how I feel and how my skin feels. Recently I've been seeing these gorgeous water bottles everywhere from the brand Bkr; they're like the Queens of classy water bottles!

Eating lots of fruit (And veg)

Even if it means getting my 5 a day from a smoothie or tub of fruit or veg, it's definitely extremely important to maintain a balanced diet, even away from home it's actually rather easy to squeeze in those 5 fruits or vegetables. 


Walking is a really good way to fit in that exercise, when it becomes impossible to squeeze in a 20 minute yoga session, or if there simply aren't the facilities. You can breathe in the fresh air, work up a small sweat (If walking fast enough) but also get where you need to go, killing to birds with one stone! 

Friday, 28 August 2015

Interesting yoga pose names!

"Who's to say tomorrow won't be the best day of your life"

Throughout my continued yoga practice, I have come across some extremely interesting things; those especially being the bizarre names of some of the yoga poses. Whilst doing routines and instructed to move into those poses, one can't help but wonder where on Earth they come from. 

Here are some of them and what the pose entails below:

Dolphin plank-
Which actually really hurts but is extremely good for working the abs, back, arms and shoulders

Pigeon pose- 
Doesn't really look anything like a pigeon but that's what it's called

Frog pose-
Actually does look like a frog, I have found is quite difficult to get into but great for opening up the hips. 


Cow face pose-
Doesn't actually look anything like a cow

Happy baby pose-
Actually does look kind of like a happy baby rolling around, and is a really relaxing pose

Monday, 24 August 2015

Great ways to start your day

"On the difficult days, when the world's on your shoulders, remember that diamonds are made under the weight of mountains"

- Beau Taplin

Morning mantras to start the day, because as the saying goes, we have as many hours in the day as every successful person thats lived- so why not live them to the fullest starting with a motivational morning!

Mantras are a positive focus point that can allow you to set a tone for the day ahead. They empower you to face the day and maintain a certain mindset. 

"I exist"

Repeating the phrase "I exist" is a really great way to begin a morning meditation. It also helps to affirm confidence in yourself and your own being dispelling lack of confidence and self doubt. Being non- judgemental towards yourself and setting you up for the day ahead. 

"I am powerful"

Is also a really strong mantra that allows you to understand that you have some control in the rapidly changing world around you, even if it may not feel that way. You are in control of your own destiny. Complete happiness lies in positivity and the choice of choosing it. 

"I love"

Is a different mantra that helps you take focus on the things that you.. well love basically! Brilliant when you are feeling down, as it demonstrates there things that you appreciate. 


That's it! It's the universal mantra. Making the sound, creates vibrations in your chest. It will help ground you so that you can effectively start your day. 

"I am"

Lastly "I am". Contained inside us is everything, we are everything- which is important to remember. Experience the joy of being fully alive! 

These great mantras are from:

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Yoga update

"Stop doubting yourself, work hard, and make it happen"

I have finally got into the routine of doing yoga, consecutively for over a week, which is quite an achievement for me! I am noticing a difference in my way of dealing with things in my everyday life, breathing being particularly important to me. Yoga practice is just as much about breathing as it is about the actual routines. When experiencing stressful situations, ensuring that I focus on my breathing in and out through the nose is particularly comforting and relaxing, and just generally great at keeping me grounded. 

Another aspect that is gradually improving for me, is flexibility. When I repeat routines throughout the week, switching between them, I find that the poses that used to be extremely difficult, getting slightly easier- which really is a good sign!

Here are some nice yoga pics from around the web, and make sure you keep practicing!